Dharma – What is Dharma?


Dharma Chakra


Dharma is:

1.  It is doing what is right/just.  It is the code of right conduct.

2. It is doing your duty to your family.

3. It is doing your duty for the society.

4. It is doing your duty with purpose, understanding karma.

5. It is following the principles of right conduct (Dharma) — a way of life.

6. It is upholding Dharma  — The principles of justice and fairness.



1. Doing what is right and just and following the right code of conduct.

What does that look like?  It is following the right conduct by doing what is right.  One cannot mistreat a person based on caste, creed and status. That is not “right” in terms of Dharma.  One cannot mistreat a person for their obstacles in life. That is not Dharma. One cannot be involved in scandalous behavior and participate in activities that are not right for the mind and body.  All of these behaviors promote adharma.  All those adhering to the right behaviors, character and thinking, they promote Dharma.

2. It is doing your duty to your family.

How do you do that? By taking responsibility for your duty to family one upholds the dharma. Dharma or duty to family lies in sacrifices and not self centered in motives.

3. It is doing your duty for the society.

Helping the poor, volunteering, and donating food is one’s Dharma.  It is done for the common good of the society. Does one’s place in society define their duty for society? Always yes! Sometimes being blessed with status allows for people to contribute to the society. Doing your duty for the society for the good of others, shows your real value in the society, it shapes your buddhi (intellect) and”perhaps” karma.

4.  It is doing your duty with purpose and understanding karma.

Dharma is not a spiritual progression like karma, Jna, Bhakti, siddhi and buddhi.  Dharma is purpose driven. Each individual has a purpose, should see their life with purpose.  A life that does not uphold or take responsibility for themselves, body and behaviors will eventually face that karma.  For a person to be in the spiritual progression they need to do their duty and what it is they treasure about life inorder to have good karma in life. Doing duty for an aspect in life that one teasures with purpose and understanding has influence on ones karmanas. Having and doing duty with purpose shapes the the evolution of one’s consciousness and makes Dharma possible.

5. It is following the principles of right conduct (Dharma) — a way of life.

Dharma is upholding the religious, cultural values and a way of life.  Is education only good for buying luxuries and living a comfortable life? What good is education that we value so much when people cannot uphold the religious principles and it’s Dharma. It is dharma of the caste to do the duty of their caste to the society.  Dharma also comes from walking on the ground.  Even in Ramayan, the princes had plough the ground, and went begging for food. Therefore it is important to see and honor the surface, the ground that you walk on to understand Dharma.

6. It is upholding Dharma — The principles of fairness and justice.

Dharma is Just. It is right.  It is just because it follows the right rules of conduct or behavior.  How can one follow the right rules of conduct or behavior?  You hold the principal of fairness and justice and standing up for it. In Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna had to uphold dharma, for himself, for his family and for the country. To do what is right in his life.  What is done wrongful in other’s part, Dharma has to stand up for it.  Dharma is not a coward, it is righteousness and truthful living. It happens in action. It is seen in action, done in action. It is more than a duty/responsibility, it is UPHOLDING the principles of fairness and justice for the good of all.

When I think of the words “upholding the dharma” I think of the verse yada yada hi dharmasya (4.7).  God says, where there is adharma (injustice), or mistreatment I shall come again and again to rise for justice. One verse, I have come to love.

In essence, however you look at Dharma, it stands for the eternal law of this universe, and how our matter manifests in this universe.


About Iksvakave

I am on a quest to understand my religion --- Hinduism. I have decided to keep a log of my discoveries, and experiences and what I have come to learn in the process. I like to travel through people vicariously. To observe the working of the mind, body and spirit. And heart. The soul infact is what our bodies have and what we are ultimately or in the end! The pricelessness of the soul is a soul is only potentially divine. Our journey here is therefore to understand that divinity in our lives. The ideals of societies, language, culture religion, and spirituality, is what interests me. what we know and don't know and outside of our four walls, maybe the truth of that journey here on earth also, our yoga to be learned and equally perfected in life. What this blog is about is the values of the mother tongue India. And the values and culture of India and my nationality America. Pricelessness of it one will come to know you see. The Hindu valued space on the forehead, is for the mind and also for the center of the mind's conscious. veena kodali

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